Where is YS Biopharma’s corporate headquarters?
The company’s headquarters are located at Building No. 2, 38 Yongda Road, Daxing Biomedical Industry Park, Daxing District, Beijing, PRC.
Where is the company incorporated?
YS Biopharma was incorporated in Cayman Islands in 2021.
Who is YS Biopharma’s auditor?
YS Biopharma’s auditor is Wei, Wei & Co., LLP
Who is YS Biopharma’s legal counsel?
YS Biopharma’s corporate counsel is Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
You can reach the YS Biopharma Investor Relations team via email at
ysbiopharma.ir@icrinc.com, or by phone at +1 (212) 537-4035.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
You can find the latest news in the
News Releases section of this investor relations site, and financial reports in the
SEC Filings section.
How can I view documents YS Biopharma has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)?
On what exchange does YS Biopharma trade, and what is its ticker symbol?
The company’s common stock and warrants trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbols “YS” and “YSBPW”, respectively.
How can I purchase shares of YS?
Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.